Modernized data management and governance that scales alongside your organization

Omeda eliminates data silos by bringing together disparate data into one easily accessible location. Through identity resolution, deduping and automated workflows, we establish the most up-to-date, accurate view of your customers. Use this to activate your data more quickly and effectively — and turn your data points into real results.

Trusted by professional media, publishing and content leaders

Combine your data silos to maximize efficiencies and minimize risk

Omeda takes in disparate customer data from every touchpoint including web to email and even subscription data. Then it cleans, standardizes and unifies it into one easily accessible database.

  • Easily move customer data in and out of the platform via nightly, weekly or monthly automated file drops, file sweeps and/or APIs. This way, all customer data flows into your system of record, regardless of what form they’re using.
  • Automated field mapping ensures you’re storing only the fields that matter most to your business — and it’s stored in a standardized, actionable format.
  • Save time and resources by eliminating the need for third-party systems and sprawling IT teams. Maintain secure data access without incurring unnecessary costs.

Establish a single view of each customer

Other platforms store customer records by email address or name. So when someone switches jobs, you’ve got multiple, conflicting profiles for the same person.

Omeda stores each user’s records under one persistent customer ID, so you always have the most complete, up-to-date view of each person.

  • Search customers by customer ID to edit, remove or update customer records more quickly.
  • Automated identity resolution, deduping and data rules help you identify and remove potential duplicates and errors before they’re stored.
  • Easily fulfill deletion and compliance requests in response to the GDPR and other data privacy regulations.

Activate your audience data more quickly and effectively

Managing data manually is time-consuming, inefficient and expensive. Omeda’s centralized database gives your entire team access to the data they need to make an impact — in the format that best suits their needs.

  • Use a single customer view to create more relevant, actionable audience segments.
  • Grant, revoke and edit access to personally identifiable information from one location. Ensure that data stewards can easily share, protect and improve your most sensitive assets.
  • Generate insights and identify success levers with our best-in-class reporting and analytics.

Want to see how Omeda's
Data Management & Governance works?

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Audience Data Management & Governance FAQs

What are the audience data management techniques?

Omeda curates customer data from every touchpoint you use to connect with your audience, then stores it in one easy-to-query system. This makes it easier to manage consent and easier to access, edit, remove and transfer your data in accordance with ever-evolving data privacy regulations.

This centralized model also helps teams access all the data they need to make an impact — and nothing else.

What is KYC Data?

Know Your Customer (KYC) refers to the policies and procedures put in place by businesses to manage risk and verify the identities of customers, clients and suppliers. Traditionally, this has been used to protect businesses from fraud, corruption and/or money laundering.

KYC is a several step process meant to: establish customer identity; understand the nature of customers’ activities and qualify that the source of funds is legitimate

To meet KYC requirements, clients must submit proof of their identity and address, such as ID card verification, face verification, biometric verification, and/or document verification.

What are the 4 types of customer data?

There are 4 kinds of customer data, each of which refer to the method of collection and the type of consent provided by the customers.

Zero-party data is information that a customer freely and proactively shares with a company, like survey submissions or poll results.

First-party data is the information you collect directly from your audience or customers. This includes website tracking activity, subscription data, social media reporting and more.

Second-party data refers to first-party data that you acquire from another company (essentially, you’re receiving first-party data secondhand).

Third-party data is information collected by another entity that is separate from your relationship with your audience, like browser cookies. Data in this form is often anonymized.

What is a consent management platform?

A consent management platform is a solution that can be used by companies to request, receive and store user consent; for storing the list of preferred vendors along with why they’ve been collecting the users’ information; and for updating collected consents (if requested by the customer or required by new privacy regulations).

With a CMP, you can easily identify how you can and cannot use each customer’s personal information. This way, you can deliver the personalized experiences your customers expect without running the risk of data privacy violations.