Omeda Acquires Hallmark
Last updated: May 20, 2024

Northbrook, Illinois, March 1, 2016 – In its second major announcement in a month, Omeda, Inc. a leading provider of database and marketing services to the media industry, has announced the acquisition of Hallmark Data Systems. In early February, Omeda announced the acquisition of Sunbelt Fulfillment. Omeda and Hallmark constitute the two largest fulfillment and data services providers to the B-to-B media industry, and combined, they will now provide services to over 600 brands which are comprised of more than 2000 various products. While the terms of the transaction were not disclosed, Aaron Oberman, President and CEO of Omeda, confirmed that a vast majority of the Hallmark employees will be transitioned into Omeda, as it looks to continue its own success by incorporating the best of Hallmark’s capabilities. Both teams have reached out to their respective client bases to discuss the details of the transaction and confirm that business as usual will be the order of the day.
“This acquisition is one more indication of Omeda’s long-term confidence in the media industry.” commented Oberman. “As the transition from print to digital to data continues, we are now even better positioned to help the industry capitalize on this data revolution. Since data and data monetization are so crucial to not just media companies but truly any company, we are renewing our commitment to become the data solutions provider our clients need and deserve,” noted Oberman. “In today’s hyper-competitive atmosphere, no media company can afford to be without a robust data solutions platform to enable real-time audience interactivity. By combining the talent and resources of Omeda and Hallmark, we will continue to build upon both companies’ proven history of serving the publishing and media space.” Mr. Oberman concluded. Omeda has achieved great success in recent years with its 360° database that combines both on and offline data and is fully integrated with Omail, the firm’s proprietary email deployment system, which will now be available to Hallmark’s entire customer base.
Vicki Denmark, Group President of EBSCO Industries, Hallmark’s former parent company, was especially pleased with the transaction. “In addition to seeking a company who would best benefit our Hallmark customers, it’s important to note that EBSCO is also a Hallmark customer. Grand View Media, a division of EBSCO Industries, Inc., is one of Hallmark’s clients. We are confident in Omeda’s abilities to continue providing the excellent results Grand View Media has always enjoyed from Hallmark.” Ms. Denmark noted.
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John French, former CEO of Cygnus Business Media and Penton Media, and current CEO of French LLC, an advisory firm to the industry, has been retained by Omeda to chart new directions made possible by the combination of the two companies. “In the midst of this sea change in the media industry, there is tremendous opportunity for media companies to emerge as profitable, if markedly different, data companies on the other side”, said French. “But in order to do that the industry needs access to state of the art innovative data services necessary to compete with digital players from Google on down in the modern promotional marketplace. What began simply as fulfillment of files has led to a Data Revolution in the media industry. Omeda is now perfectly positioned and properly capitalized and possesses the necessary technology to not just talk about making customers money through Data and Integration, but actually lead them through it. With data being such an integral component of success in today’s marketplace, I am excited to have an opportunity to be part of this effort.” French added.
• Omeda will merge the best applications from both providers to provide a comprehensive solution for media companies. Omeda’s proven centralized database capabilities will provide the foundation, complemented by an array of integrated services, including subscription fulfillment for paid and controlled products (digital and print), email marketing, web tracking, web form builder, and digital editions. In addition, Omeda’s API suite provides the ability to integrate with other vendors as needed.
• Clients of the combined companies will have the capability to join online and offline data. In addition Omeda’s latest enhancement, olytics, provides valuable web behavioral tracking of both known and anonymous visitors for a holistic view of the overall audience. The company fully expects this combination of applications and resources to provide its clients with additional monetization opportunities and efficiencies in a variety of areas, including sales, audience development, digital marketing, email marketing, data visualization, scoring, lead generation, marketing automation and dynamic content/offer management.
• Because of Omeda’s ability to serve paid requirements for B to B and Consumer – both print subs and digital products – on the same integrated data rich platform as controlled, this acquisition will enhance the company’s continued expansion into the paid and consumer arenas.
• Since Hallmark and Omeda are just over 10 miles apart, Hallmark’s entire operations and their Illinois employees will move to Omeda’s 77,000 square foot facility in Northbrook.
About Omeda: Founded in Chicago by a family of trade publishers, the Oberman’s understood the value of utilizing technology to properly segment and target print subscribers. Responding to advances in technology and an evolving set of customer needs, Omeda’s core capabilities now encompass print, email and web-based audience solutions. Omeda remains family-owned and relationship-focused, committed to helping the media and publishing industry succeed.
Aaron Oberman can be reached for comment at;
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