Personalize your marketing with Omeda’s content personalization software

Customers have come to expect content, resources and offers customized to their individual needs. And they’ll leave companies that provide one-size-fits-all experiences.

But if your customer data is spread across many software tools? You can’t figure out what your customers really need, let alone tailor your content to those needs.

That’s where Omeda comes in: We collect your customer data from every touchpoint and store it into one place — so you can deliver more personalized experiences without excess time or stress.

Trusted by professional media, publishing and content leaders

Why marketing teams use Omeda’s content personalization software

  • Connect with your customers
  • Improve customer experience and conversions
  • Foster personalization with deeper audience insights

Top 3 reasons marketing teams choose Omeda as their content personalization software

Resonate with your readers and generate results with Omeda.

Connect with your customers

Build stronger relationships with each customer with content personalized to their specific needs and preferences. Give each visitor the tailored offers and resources they expect without excess time and resources.

  • Recommended related articles on each of your web pages. Pair recommended articles with on-page pop-ups and personalization messages to increase impressions and time on site.
  • Generate different recommendations for different viewers based on their previous purchases, viewing history, etc. to maximize conversions.
  • Display targeted content or ads to your audience on your website. Choose between on-page HTML, exit intent or scroll trigger pop-ups to minimize impact on the user experience.

Improve customer experience and increase conversions

Personalizing your content isn’t enough to drive sales, though. So we also give you the tools you need to leverage personalization to execute smoother, more successful customer journeys.

  • Create cross-channel communications and campaigns tailored to each audience member’s individual needs with Odyssey, Omeda’s marketing automation tool.
  • Trigger emails to be sent when customers meet specific criteria (download an eBook, request a demo, etc.).
  • Tailor cross-promotions and upsells to each customer’s previous purchases and viewing history to generate more revenue.

Facilitate personalization with deeper insights

Siloed data makes it harder to get the information you need to please your customers.

Omeda takes in customer data from every on- and offline touchpoint you use to engage your customers — social media, display and banner ads, email, events, subscriptions, and more — and stores it in one database that’s accessible to your whole team.

  • Increase revenue and ROI by converting unknown visitors to known visitors, driving new name efforts, and re-engaging lost users.
  • Establish a single customer view and minimize data loss with identity resolution and real-time profile updates.
  • Automated field mapping, deduping and data standardization workflows ensure that customer profiles are always current and complete.

Ready to engage your audience using Omeda’s content personalization software?

  • Connect with your customers
  • Improve customer experience and conversions
  • Foster personalization with deeper audience insights

Want to See Omeda in Action?

Get a customized demonstration of how Omeda can help your business.