Onboarding at Omeda

Some platforms say they’re simple or self-service, then leave you to tackle the technology yourself. Not us.

When you start with Omeda, we’ll set you up with technical and data governance staff who will work with you to transfer your data, set up your integrations and build out your use cases.

From there, we’ll pair you with a dedicated success manager, who’ll partner with you to help you learn the platform, maximize your Omeda data, and make your audience growth goals a reality.

Trusted by professional media, publishing and content leaders


Not sure what to expect from Omeda? Here are some frequently asked questions about our onboarding process. Want to know something that’s not listed below? Contact your sales representative to get your question answered.

How long does it take to get up and running on Omeda?

During onboarding, we’ll work with you to migrate your data and implement our solutions as soon as possible. While no two clients are the same, here are some standard implementation timelines for each of our different products:  

  • CDP: As little as two weeks  
  • Email and marketing automation: As little as one month  
  • Subscription management: Variable, depending on your publication schedule  
  • Full service: As little as three months 

Note: Timelines are dependent on client input.  

What kind of integrations are available?

Omeda integrates directly with many leading solutions to keep your workflows as smooth as possible, including Facebook and Google Ad Managers, ON24, GoToWebinar, Adobe Analytics, CredSpark and much more. (Find even more direct integrations here!) Connect to more than 1000 additional apps using our Zapier integration.  
Need more flexibility? You can also use Omeda’s API, Webhooks, and Data Loader to easily ingest or export data between Omeda and your favorite tools.  

What will our team look like? What kind of support is available?

At Omeda, we give you a full team to help you master the platform and reach your audience growth goals, both during implementation and after. Your team includes:  

  • Your client success manager: At Omeda, each client is paired with a dedicated client success manager right away. In addition to standing weekly calls, they’re available as needed throughout your entire time with Omeda.   
  • Integration and API support: Need to connect Omeda to your favorite tools? No problem. Our engineers will work with you to help make your tech stack compatible with Omeda.  
  • Our email deliverability team: Our deliverability team helps make sure your emails are reaching inboxes, not spam folders. If you encounter deliverability issues, our team can reach out to ISPs on your behalf to help you resolve any sending issues and get your deliverability back on track.   
  • Our privacy and data governance team: Omeda provides Master Data Management (MDM) solutions through its unified customer view, allowing clients to manage their data, permissions and consent in a single place, ensuring data integrity with applicable privacy laws and regulations. Visit our Privacy Office to learn more. 

What does your onboarding program look like?

Our learning management system — Omeda Academy — is designed to take you from beginner to Omeda expert. Here’s how it looks:

  • Onboarding Discovery: During week one, you’ll tour the Omeda platform, learn how to use our client support portal and explore all of Omeda’s products and solutions. 
  • Onboarding Launch Review the various ways that Omeda can ingest data and walk through basic database structure by reviewing common Audience Builder queries. 
  • 101 Courses: Kick start your learning in the Omeda Academy with our beginner courses on Audience Builder, Audience Search, Email Builder and Email Reporting. Courses are interactive and take 35-60 minutes.  
  • 201 and 301 Courses: Continue to grow your knowledge of the Omeda tools with our 201 and 301 courses available in the Omeda Academy.  
  • Advanced Systems Training: The Client Enablement team and your client success manager will do additional training on key Omeda tools based on your specific use cases. 

Want a sneak peek of the platform? Contact your sales representative for access to our Omeda Academy courses. 

What industries is Omeda best suited for? What kind of skillset is necessary to use all of these tools?

Omeda is designed for companies that want to engage, grow and monetize their audience through content – whether you’re in media and publishing, running an association, or creating content independently. 

That said, you’ll get the most out of the platform if you (or your team) have experience in marketing, audience development and subscription/circulation.  

Want to See Omeda in Action?

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