The ultimate guide to subscriber onboarding

The ultimate guide to subscriber onboarding

Last updated: May 13, 2024

You’ve already done the work to earn new subscribers. Now comes the hard part: keeping them active for months and years to come.    Onboarding has a huge impact on whether…

6 actionable ways to manage your audience growth costs  

6 actionable ways to manage your audience growth costs  

Last updated: May 13, 2024

Your publication’s audience and subscription numbers are flatlining and you’re feeling the heat. Time to launch a splashy new rebrand, start a podcast and hire a new Head of AI…

Why your publication’s losing revenue (+ 4 ways to fix it)

Why your publication’s losing revenue (+ 4 ways to fix it)

Last updated: May 13, 2024

Are you struggling to generate sufficient revenue for your publication? In this article, we’ll explore four common reasons why your publication might be falling short financially and provide effective solutions…

How to create and enhance your customer profiles

How to create and enhance your customer profiles

Last updated: May 13, 2024

Customer profiles are key to understanding your audience, delivering on their expectations and creating lifetime value that compounds over time.   But the complexity and scale of new marketing technology has…

Your Odyssey voyage checklist

Your Odyssey voyage checklist

Last updated: May 13, 2024

Odyssey, Omeda’s marketing automation solution, allows you to build automated marketing voyages across multiple channels, including email, website personalizations (on-site pop ups), Facebook and Instagram advertising, Google Ads, content meters…

How does email marketing enhance customer journeys?

How does email marketing enhance customer journeys?

Last updated: May 13, 2024

Customer journey mapping helps you keep track of a purchasing process that’s becoming more complicated than ever. A good customer journey map will cover every interaction you have with your…

The 4 Biggest Benefits of CDPs for Associations

The 4 Biggest Benefits of CDPs for Associations

Last updated: May 13, 2024

Associations have a big job on their hands: They need to engage their members with print and digital content, groups, professional development opportunities and events, all while advancing policy objectives,…

Should you build or buy your CDP?

Should you build or buy your CDP?

Last updated: May 13, 2024

Customer data is the currency of modern business. The companies that can unify, resolve, clean and activate that data most effectively are the ones that are going to stand out…

Recirculation: How to Increase Lifetime Value and Revenue 

Recirculation: How to Increase Lifetime Value and Revenue 

Last updated: May 13, 2024

With subscriber acquisition costs on the rise, optimizing for recirculation is way more effective (and usually, easier) than continually chasing new readers. But if you’re already struggling to get people…

Personalization: 7 best practices to inform your strategy

Personalization: 7 best practices to inform your strategy

Last updated: May 13, 2024

Personalization can even deliver up to 8x return on investment, according to Deloitte research.   While there’s a lot of upside to personalization, success or failure really comes down to execution.…

Success Story: Questex achieved 53% advertiser rebooking with its Content Channel campaign

Success Story: Questex achieved 53% advertiser rebooking with its Content Channel campaign

Last updated: May 15, 2024

Project Background    Generating revenue from content has never been easy. But the rise of digital platforms has only complicated the issue: Advertisers need to optimize their strategy and content for…

7 Factors of an Effective Lead Scoring Model

7 Factors of an Effective Lead Scoring Model

Last updated: May 15, 2024

The explosion of new marketing platforms has made the customer journey much more fragmented and customized. While giving people more places to find you is a net positive, it makes…

CDP v. AMS v. CRM: What’s the best tool for you?

CDP v. AMS v. CRM: What’s the best tool for you?

Last updated: May 15, 2024

CDP. AMS. CRM. All of these tools can help you manage your audience data, improve your customer experiences and drive revenue.    But they don’t collect, manage and activate audience data…

4 common barriers to collecting first-party data

4 common barriers to collecting first-party data

Last updated: May 15, 2024

In the last few years, first-party data has transformed from a competitive edge to an absolute must-have: According to a new report from PILOT, the National Association of Broadcasters’ innovation…

Why You Should Buy an Enterprise Customer Data Platform

Why You Should Buy an Enterprise Customer Data Platform

Last updated: May 15, 2024

Back in the ‘60s, the buying process was pretty simple. You realized you needed a new car, then you saw an ad for a new Honda on one of the…

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