Articles by category: Data Management and Governance

2024 data privacy updates: the ARPA, AI and more

2024 data privacy updates: the ARPA, AI and more

Last updated: June 28, 2024

Bettina Lindner Lippisch, our VP of Privacy and Data Governance, spoke at our OX7 conference about the recent developments and the future outlook of data privacy for businesses.  What responsibilities…

How to Achieve Cross-Functional Collaboration in Data Governance

How to Achieve Cross-Functional Collaboration in Data Governance

Last updated: May 13, 2024

Wondering how to unlock the full potential of your audience data? Are you struggling to institute the organizational culture you need to keep your audience data safe? To help you…

Why Data Governance Should Be A Team Sport

Why Data Governance Should Be A Team Sport

Last updated: May 13, 2024

Wondering how to unlock the full potential of your audience data? Are you struggling to institute the organizational culture you need to keep your audience data safe? To help you address…

Privacy, Data Governance and CDPs: A Symbiotic Relationship that Drives Better Decision Making

Privacy, Data Governance and CDPs: A Symbiotic Relationship that Drives Better Decision Making

Last updated: May 13, 2024

In today’s digitally-driven world, where information flows are no longer a trickle of data, but roaring rivers, the concepts of privacy and data governance have become essential pillars for business…

The state of data privacy in 2023: how to keep your customers safe

The state of data privacy in 2023: how to keep your customers safe

Last updated: May 15, 2024

Note: Prefer an audio format? We covered these topics in a recent webinar on data privacy best practices. Check it out here! Data privacy has been a huge concern for…

What is click fraud / How do click bots work?

What is click fraud / How do click bots work?

Last updated: May 15, 2024

The rise of click bots has made it harder to trust open and click data – or conduct marketing activities securely. Bots made up 42.4% of Internet activity in 2021,…

Omeda Celebrates IAPP’s Data Privacy Day

Omeda Celebrates IAPP’s Data Privacy Day

Last updated: May 15, 2024

At Omeda, we believe data is the lifeblood of business – and keeping it safe is essential for success. We recognize that our clients trust us to protect and govern their data and we take that responsibility seriously.

Data Cleaning Best Practices For a Better Database

Data Cleaning Best Practices For a Better Database

Last updated: May 15, 2024

Data cleaning is essential for ensuring that your customer data is actionable and easy to use. Unfortunately, many marketers fall short on that front: 45% of marketers don’t validate their data for quality and accuracy…

Bad data: a costly roadblock to your success?

Bad data: a costly roadblock to your success?

Last updated: May 15, 2024

Imagine leaving for a road trip with a print map from 1985. You might get to your destination eventually, but not without a lot of wrong turns, wasted time and unnecessary stress. Bad data has a similar impact …

Best Resources of 2022

Best Resources of 2022

Last updated: May 15, 2024

With the start of a new year comes new goals, strategic shifts, and undertakings for marketers. As you prepare for 2023, it’s worth looking back on what worked for your…

Click Bots: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Truth On a Growing Problem for B2B Marketers

Click Bots: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Truth On a Growing Problem for B2B Marketers

Last updated: May 15, 2024

For many B2B marketers, email performance is not just a sales metric anymore.  Today, the results of an email campaign drive marketing programs and automation, targeting deeper content and brand…

U.S. Federal Privacy Law on the Horizon: What’s in the Proposed American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA)?

U.S. Federal Privacy Law on the Horizon: What’s in the Proposed American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA)?

Last updated: May 15, 2024

In May 2022, the U.S. Congress introduced the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA), which was amended and passed on for a House floor vote shortly thereafter. While the…

Top 10 Security Tips That Will Keep You and Us Safe

Top 10 Security Tips That Will Keep You and Us Safe

Last updated: May 15, 2024

From the Omeda Privacy Office: It’s easy to assume that scammers only target people who aren’t informed or act careless, but today’s cyber security threats are becoming more sophisticated and…

U.S. State – Privacy Law Tracker

U.S. State – Privacy Law Tracker

Last updated: May 15, 2024

More and more states are rolling out data privacy regulations in 2023 and beyond – and it’s on you to stay on top of every new change. Keep these upcoming…

Omeda Celebrates IAPP’s Data Privacy Day with Organizational Updates

Omeda Celebrates IAPP’s Data Privacy Day with Organizational Updates

Last updated: January 28, 2022

Over the past few years, data privacy has become an important part of any organization. Here at Omeda we’ve always focused on protecting and governing the data we are tasked to…

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