The Reality Behind Email Subject Lines

The Reality Behind Email Subject Lines

Last updated: July 17, 2023

Many of our clients have expressed interest in email subject lines. Specifically, what strategies will grab customers’ attention and improve e-promo efforts. Focusing our report specifically on newsletter emails, we…

Grow Your First-Party Audience by Converting Unknown Visitors to Known Customers

Grow Your First-Party Audience by Converting Unknown Visitors to Known Customers

Last updated: February 24, 2023

Unknown vs. known visitors is a popular topic for media companies. Understanding when and how a visitor is converted from unknown to known is extremely helpful for expanding your first-party…

What’s Old Is New – The Paid Subscription Model

What’s Old Is New – The Paid Subscription Model

Last updated: February 24, 2023

An article published by the Wall Street Journal detailed Condé Nast’s decision to put all of its publications behind paywalls by the end of the year. As print publishers began…

End of 2018 Stats – Q4 Email Delivery and Engagement

End of 2018 Stats – Q4 Email Delivery and Engagement

Last updated: July 17, 2023

In 2018, reports were created quarterly on email delivery and engagement stats from some of Omeda’s largest senders. Insights from Q1 and Q2 as well as Q3 were published to…

What to Think About in 2019 – The Publishing and Media Landscape

What to Think About in 2019 – The Publishing and Media Landscape

Last updated: July 17, 2023

With the start of a new year, it is natural to look back at the previous searching for areas of learning that can contribute to opportunities for growth in the…

Omeda Web Forms Best Practices – Part Two

Omeda Web Forms Best Practices – Part Two

Last updated: February 24, 2023

Webforms Best Practices Part One blog only scraped the surface of the 1,000+ web forms completed last year by our clients. It isn’t just a fun exercise to review our…

Attention Publishers: Marketers Are Continuing to Place Higher Value on First-Party Data

Attention Publishers: Marketers Are Continuing to Place Higher Value on First-Party Data

Last updated: July 17, 2023

In an article published by Publishing Executive, the point was made that there is a shift in how marketers are buying advertising and how they are working with customer data.…

Integrating Your 3rd Party Forms With Your Omeda Database

Integrating Your 3rd Party Forms With Your Omeda Database

Last updated: July 17, 2023

To take full advantage of your unified audience database at Omeda, it is necessary to pull as many of your audience touch points into the database as possible. These days,…

An Evaluation of B2B Media Engagement Behavior by the Numbers

An Evaluation of B2B Media Engagement Behavior by the Numbers

Last updated: February 24, 2023

Last week our CRO, James Capo, presented on B2B media engagement at the BIMS conference in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Omeda used a compilation of the top 20 email volumes from…

Automation Gone Wrong

Automation Gone Wrong

Last updated: July 17, 2023

While we often are automating campaigns and recognize the tremendous efficiencies in time and resources, we are also noticing some examples of campaigns where automation has gone completely awry. Automation…

Northstar Travel Group Partners with Omeda to Simplify their Martech Stack

Northstar Travel Group Partners with Omeda to Simplify their Martech Stack

Last updated: February 24, 2023

Chicago, IL – OMEDA and Northstar Travel Group have formed a new partnership that includes the full portfolio of Omeda tools and services.  Northstar is the leading B-to-B information and…

Q3 Email Open and Click Rates

Q3 Email Open and Click Rates

Last updated: February 24, 2023

Due-to the great response that we received on our Q1 and Q2 stats, the following are the updated numbers for Q3. Email engagement is a popular topic that creates a…

Google Ads Parallel Tracking and the Benefit of Short Page Load Times

Google Ads Parallel Tracking and the Benefit of Short Page Load Times

Last updated: February 24, 2023

On October 30, Google Ads introduced parallel tracking, which speeds up the process of viewers reaching the advertised page they clicked on. Previously, the user would have to wait for…

The Growing Importance of Knowing Your Audience

The Growing Importance of Knowing Your Audience

Last updated: February 24, 2023

The old means of relying on Facebook alone to drive traffic & revenue is dwindling. New avenues need to be utilized in order to grow the audience and revenue. The…

Too many logos : We’ve All Seen The Chart. How Can We Reduce the Tech Stack (And logo obsession)?

Too many logos : We’ve All Seen The Chart. How Can We Reduce the Tech Stack (And logo obsession)?

Last updated: July 17, 2023

One of our favorite charts to glance at is the beastly Marketing Technology Landscape (MarTech 5000). It was created in order to show (in an aggressively visual way) the extreme…

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